Thank you for being part of my weaving sessions. My aim is to spread the love of weaving and help people find new ways to be creative. I hope the links below are useful – I will keep adding to it.
To keep inspired on your creative journey, you can be part of my community and subscribe to my e-letter. Find out more on the ‘Connect’ link below:
- Scotland – Sustainability – Textiles and sustainability – 2nd Level – P5, P6, P7 classroom and home learning for sustainability with BBC Bitesize Scotland – BBC Bitesize
- Half of fast fashion made of new plastics, finds report – BBC News
Weaving Supplies
- Handweavers Studio and Gallery, a shop in London, also do classes
- Weavers Bazaar, online supplies and resources
- Jamiesons of Shetland, Shetland wool – ask about yarns for warp as not all will have the strength
- George Weil in Guildford
Reading List/Magazines
Relevant organisations
How to guides
- Simplified weaving for beginners and families (below)
- More to be added over the summer, sign up to my mailing list to be the first to know
Thanks for reading.
This is an evolving document – let me know if you have any ideas of what else I can add.
Weaving Instructions for families
This is a simplified way to weave on a cardboard loom as an introduction to weaving. If you attended a workshop, you will already have the a warped up loom (warp threads are the ones that go up and down). If not, instructions to come soon.
1st Weave 3 rows to secure the weaving
- Use the yarn to do 3 rows to secure the weave and get started – these are called weft threads. Start at the bottom (back of loom has a knot)
- Start at one end and weave the thread over/under/over/under the warp
- Leave a tail at the end (so the thread doesn’t pull through and you can tie these together at the end)
- Beat the threads by pushing down with your fingers – always beat at the end of the row
- When you get to the end, start a new row but do the opposite!
- It doesn’t matter what order you weave, just make it opposite to the last one, for example:
- 1st row= over/under/over/under
- 2nd row= under/over/under/over
- 3rd row= over/under/over/under
2nd Continue to weave
- Choose some yarns and colours you like
- You can use a longer thread or cut one row at a time to change colours and textures regularly
- Make sure the thread isn’t too long as becomes difficult to weave, length of your forearm is fine (hand to elbow)
- Continue to weave as in section 1
3rd To finish
- Tidy up loose ends in a simplified way by either:
- tying them at the back to other loose threads (a simple knot will do)
- taping with masking tape at the back (if tying knots is difficult)
- or cutting off long weft threads at the end of rows ONLY if secure – i.e. all the rows are beaten tight together and the top tied (do not cut the warp)
- To remove the warp threads from the top of the cardboard ‘turrets’—no need to cut any ends— simply pull the loops off the top of the cardboard (as below)
- With top loops, tie a simple knot at the top of the last row to secure the weave: take the loop, tuck it under to create a circle, and pull through the centre and tighten
- The loops at the top can be used for a stick or straw to hang the weaving off