Weaving Resources

Thank you for being part of my weaving sessions. My aim is to spread the love of weaving and help people find new ways to be creative. I hope the links below are useful – I will keep adding to it.

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Weaving Supplies

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How to guides

  • Simplified weaving for beginners and families (below)
  • More to be added over the summer, sign up to my mailing list to be the first to know

Thanks for reading.

This is an evolving document – let me know if you have any ideas of what else I can add.

Weaving Instructions for families

This is a simplified way to weave on a cardboard loom as an introduction to weaving. If you attended a workshop, you will already have the a warped up loom (warp threads are the ones that go up and down). If not, instructions to come soon.

1st Weave 3 rows to secure the weaving

  1. Use the yarn to do 3 rows to secure the weave and get started – these are called weft threads. Start at the bottom (back of loom has a knot)
  2. Start at one end and weave the thread over/under/over/under the warp
  3. Leave a tail at the end (so the thread doesn’t pull through and you can tie these together at the end)
  4. Beat the threads by pushing down with your fingers – always beat at the end of the row
  1. When you get to the end, start a new row but do the opposite!
  2. It doesn’t matter what order you weave, just make it opposite to the last one, for example:
  • 1st row= over/under/over/under
  • 2nd row= under/over/under/over
  • 3rd row= over/under/over/under

2nd Continue to weave

  1. Choose some yarns and colours you like
  2. You can use a longer thread or cut one row at a time to change colours and textures regularly
  3. Make sure the thread isn’t too long as becomes difficult to weave, length of your forearm is fine (hand to elbow)
  4. Continue to weave as in section 1

3rd To finish

  1. Tidy up loose ends in a simplified way by either:
  2. tying them at the back to other loose threads (a simple knot will do)
  3. taping with masking tape at the back (if tying knots is difficult)
  4. or cutting off long weft threads at the end of rows ONLY if secure – i.e. all the rows are beaten tight together and the top tied (do not cut the warp)
  5. To remove the warp threads from the top of the cardboard ‘turrets’—no need to cut any ends— simply pull the loops off the top of the cardboard (as below)
  6. With top loops, tie a simple knot at the top of the last row to secure the weave: take the loop, tuck it under to create a circle, and pull through the centre and tighten
  7. The loops at the top can be used for a stick or straw to hang the weaving off